


2016房子全額貸-卡債受害人自救小額貸款 五萬台東摩托車貸款a信貸工作天數>汽機車借款利息軍公教退休合理化改革方案 2014房貸利率最低的銀行身份證借錢管道a循環型信貸好處>房貸利率試算公式 修繕住宅補助申請書房貸利率一覽表>行政院青少年創業基金12-0303:00

INSIDER TRADING: Prosecutors said Mckinney Tsai profited by selling shares of Mega Financial Holding before news of a fine became public and hit the share priceBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterProsecutors investigating alleged financial irregularities and money laundering at Mega International Commercial Bank (兆豐銀行) yesterday indicted former Mega Financial Holding Co (兆豐金控) chairman Mckinney Tsai (蔡友才) on charges of forgery, insider trading and money laundering, and asked for a 12-year prison term.The Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office also asked for a 10-year sentence for former Mega Bank chief secretary Wang Chi-pang (王起梆) and a four-year sentence for the former manager of Mega Bank’s New York branch.The suspects are accused of violating the Banking Act (銀行法), the Financial Holding Company Act (金融控股公司法) and Securities and Exchange Act (證券交易法), Taipei Deputy Chief Prosecutor Chang Chieh-chin (張介欽) said.Tsai resigned from Mega Financial in March and joined Chien Chi Asset Management (鑒機資產管理), owned by Ruentex Group (潤泰集團) chairman Samuel Yin (尹衍樑).Local media have dubbed Tsai the financial sector’s “Kublai Khan,” as he was a high-paid banking executive with ambitions of building his own business empire, but things began to unravel after a probe uncovered suspected financial irregularities after the New York State Department of Financial Services imposed a US$180 million fine on Mega Bank’s New York branch for violations of US rules against money laundering.“Tsai headed Mega Financial Holding, but he ignored banking and misconduct regulations. He used the financial resources of Mega Financial Holding for his own private schemes, with plans to establish his own business empire to become the top boss in Taiwanese investment banking,” Chang said.Prosecutors said Tsai started the scheme with his top aide, Wang, two years ago, by procuring investment assets from Ruentex and other conglomerates to set up Chien Chi Asset Management Co (鑒機資產管理), then broke the law by granting a NT$6 billion (US$188 million) loan to Ruentex.Prosecutors also said that Tsai engaged in insider trading by selling 321,000 shares of Mega Financial Holding between April and June, before news of the fine by New York state authorities became public and hit the share price, thereby profiting by about NT$568,876.Chang said that while still running Mega Financial Holding in March last year, Tsai allegedly used his son’s name to set up the shell investment company, Nick & Ziv Capital Ltd, for which he worked with Wang to solicit capital from Taiwanese firms for the new company, which was affiliated with Chien Chi.Prosecutors also accused Tsai of engaging in money laundering, as he used illegal means to receive his chairman’s salary of NT$225 million as an “administrative service fee” earlier this year and transferred it to TPP Capital Management Ltd, a company he set up in Hong Kong.From there, the money was transferred to private accounts belonging to Tsai, Wang and Chien Chi chairman Steve Hsieh (謝泓源) at banks in other nations.Prosecutors said Tsai, using this scheme, received illicit earnings of NT$168.7 million, Wang received NT$33.75 million and Hsieh received NT$22.5 million.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

地下錢莊利息公式快速有錢的方法用房屋借款利率a利息計算公式表澳門貸款計算器台東快速信貸信用卡申辦條件車貸簽本票a各家銀行定存利率比較 2017 澳門借錢網汽車當舖利息沒繳>車貸利率試算 excel土地貸款銀行利率a就學貸款可以代辦嗎>桃園機車增貸台北市代書名冊>勞工保險貸款個人信用貸款利率 房貸銀行推薦台中機車借錢免留車a106整合住宅補貼資源實施方案 批次信保>松山中小企業貸款>新屋裝潢費用勞工紓困貸款未繳蘆洲二信貸款買房貸款方式高雄民間小額借款a台北汽車借款免留車集村農舍 貸款>勞工紓困貸款率利 2017

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